شبكة الطرق البرية في مركز البداري "دراسة في جغرافية النقل ، باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية(GIS)"

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt


The study dealt with the road network in the Badari District, based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, with the aim of studying its characteristics in terms of classification, in which multiple sources were relied upon, to classify the road network based on administrative classification, morphology, and classification according to the nature of the surface, then study the distribution of the network, and analyze it quantitatively using several indicators, namely the nearest neighbor index to study the distribution of nodes, the alpha, gamma, beta index, and the spread and diameter of the network index, To measure the degree of network interconnectedness and its efficiency, many matrices were created to measure the degree of centrality of the network nodes and the accessibility of them according to various criteria, namely the number of interconnected nodes, the length of the links, distance, time, the force of attraction between the nodes, the weighted distance, and the population size, then studying the density of the network. Regarding area, population, and cultivated area, then measuring the degree of inflection of the road network, the study ended with the most important results and recommendations.


Main Subjects