Document Type : Original Article
الخطيب، عبد الباسط (1980): سبع سنابل خضر (التنمية المائية والزراعية). وزارة الزراعة والمياه-المملکة العربية السعودية – الطبعة الثانية.
السراني، عبد العزيز والترک ، ادريس (1419): دراسات عن التلوث الميکروبي للهواء الجوي بالمدينة المنورة في أثناء موسم الحج – جامعة أم القرى – السنه الحادية عشره – العدد 17- ص 389.
شودري، شوکت علي والجويد، عبد العزيز عباس (1419): الغطاء النباتي للمملکة العربية السعودية. المرکز الوطني لأبحاث الزراعة والمياه، وزارة الزراعة والمياه، المملکة العربية السعودية.
علاوي، بدر جاسم وحمادي، خالد بدر (1980م): استصلاح الأراضي لطلبة صفوف کليات الزراعة قسم علوم التربية، الجمهورية العراقـية-جامعة الموصل، وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي.
محمود، سعد علي زکي وعبد الحافظ، عبد الوهاب محمد ومبارک، محمد الصاوي (1997م): ميکروبـيولوجيا الأراضي. الطبعة: الثانية- مکتبة الأنـجلو المصرية-القاهرة, جمهورية مصر العربية.
مولان، يونس يوسف (2001): حصر الفطريات المصاحبة لنباتات الزينة المصابة في منطقة الرياض. جامعة الملک سعود- المجلة السعودية لعلوم الحياة – المجلد: 8 ، العدد 2، ص5.
Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1981): Halophilic fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 75, 75.
Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982a): Survey of microflora of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 3-8.
Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982b): Osmophilic fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 9-14.
Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982c): Thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 15-20.
Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1984): Survey of airborne fungus spores at Taif, Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 88: 39-44.
Abdel-Sater, M.A. (1994): Cellulase activity and succession of fungi in soil amended with sodium chloride, organic matter and Ca-superphosphate. Bot. Dept. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ. Egypt, J. Basic Microbiol., 34(5): 283-302.
Abu-Heilah, A.N (1985): Soil mycoflora of Saudi Arabia. II-Isolation, some microfungi in the forest soils of Asir region. J. of Biol. Sci. Res., 16: 1-16.
Abu-Heilah, A.N. ; Kassim, M.Y. and Basahy, A.Y. (1982): Soil mycoflora of Saudi Arabia.1-Isolation, identification and distribution in Riyadh region. Iraqi. J. Sci., 23: 197-216.
Abu-Zinada, A.H. and Sabek, A.M. (1981): Studies on thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi in Saudia Arabia; I. Distribution in central province. Fifth Symposium on the Biol. Aspects of Saudi Arabia.
Al-Fassi, F.A.; Malibari, A.A. and Moustsfa, M.A. (1994): Physiological studies on ten thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi isolated from different locations in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf J. Sci. Res., 321-340.
Ali, M.I. (1977): Studies on the fungal flora of Saudi Arabia. 1-Wadi Hanif. Bull. Fac. Sci. Riyadh Univ., (8): 7-20.
Ali, M.I.; Abu-Zinada, A. H. and El-Mashharawi, Z. (1977a): Survey of air borne mould flora at Riyad, Saudi Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Univ., 203-214.
Ali, M.I.; Abu-Zinada, A.H. and El-Mashharawi, Z. (1977b): On the fungal flora of Saudi Arabia. 11-Seasonal fluctuations of fungi in the rhizosphere of some plants. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Univ., 215-228.
Al-Kashkari, R.M. (1987): Studies on mesophilic fungi in the soil of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. M. Sci. Thesis Girls collage of education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Al-Subai, A.A. (1983): Soil fungi in state in Qatat. M. Sci. thesis, Bot. Dept. Fac. of Sci., Qatar Univ, Qatar.
Al-Suwaine, A.S. ; Bahkali, A.H. and Hasnain, S.M. (1999): Seasonal incidence of airborne fungal allergens in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 145: 15-22.
Bahkali, A.H. and Parvez, S. (1999): Fungal flora in house dust in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Mycoses, 42 (4): 339-43.
Barakat, A. (1999): Incidence of halophilic and osmophilic soil fungl and glycerol biosynthesis by Eurotium amestelodam mangin from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ., 28(2-D): 377-390.
Bokhary, F.E. (1986): Studies on thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi in the soil of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. M. Sci. Thesis Girls Collage of Education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Bokhary, H.A. ; Sabek, A.M. ; Abu-Zinada, A.H. and Fallatah, O.J. (1984): Thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi of arid regions of Saudia Arabia : Occurrence, seasonal variation and temperature relationships. J. of Arid Environ., 7: 263-274.
Bokhary, H.A.; Parvez, S. and Abu-zinada, A.H. (1993): Lichen flora from high altitude areas of Saudi Arabia. Nova Hedwigia, 56 (3-4): 491-496.
Daubenmire, R.F. (1959): Plant and Enviro-nment. A text book of plant autecol., John Wiley & Sons. Inc. U.S.A.
Durrell, L.W. and Shields, L.M. (1960): Fungi isolated in culture from soil of the Nevada test site. Mycol., 5: 636-641.
Ellis, M.B. (1971): Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes. Common-Wealth Mycol. Institute, Kew, Surrey, England.
Ellis, M.B. (1976): More Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes. Common-Wealth Mycol. Institute, Kew, Surrey, England.
El-Sharkawi,H.M.; Malibari, A.; El- Shaieb, M.K. and Tawfik, K.(1981): Some edapho-ecological factors controlling the distribution of soil fungi in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Bull.Fac.Sci. KAU, Jeddah 5: 103-115.
Fathi, S.M. ; El-Husseini, T.M. and Abu-Zinada, A.H. (1975): Seasonal variations of soil microflora and their activities in Riyadh region, Saudia Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Uni., 7: 17-30.
Frank,R; Ishida,K.and Suda,P.(1976): Metals in agricultural soils of Ontario.Can.J.Soil Sci.56:181.
Gilman, J.C. (1957): A manual of soil fungi. Iowa, State Univ. Press. Ames. Iowa, U.S.A.
Hashem, A.R. (1991a): Three new records of mushrooms from Saudi Arabia. Indian Phytopath., 43 (3): 476-477.
Hashem, A.R. (1991b): Two new records of mushrooms from Saudi Arabia. Cryptogamic Botany, 2 (2-3): 161-162.
Hashem, A.R. (1993a):Fungal flora of soils from Ashafa, Toroba,Wahat and Wehait. J. king Saud univ.vol.5, (1):47-53.
Hashem, A.R. (1993b):Soil analysis and mycoflora of the industrial Yanbu city Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf J. Scient. Res.,(1) 91-104.
Hashem, A.R. and Parvez, S. (1994): Mycoflora of aluminium rich soil of Hail region, Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf J. Scient. Res., 321-340.
Hashem,A.R. (1997): Effect of heavy metal on the mycelial growth of some fungi isolated from the soil of Al-Jubail industrial city,Saudi Arabia. J. king Saud Univ.,9 (2): 119-124.
Hawksworth, D.L. (1991): The fungal dimension of biodiversity: magnitude, significance and conservation. Mycol. Res., 95: 641-655.
Hawksworth, D.L. ; Kirk, P.M. ; Sutton, B.C. and Pegler, D.N. (1995): Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi. CAB International, Wallingford, U.K.
Hudson, H.J. (1972): Fungal saprophytism. Edward Arnold Limited, London.
Jackson, M.L. (1958): Soil chemical analysis. Constable and Co., London, U.K.
Johnson, L.F.; Curl, E.A.; Bond, J.K. and Fribourg, H.A. (1959): Method for studying soil microflora plant disease relation-ships. Minneapolis. Burgess Publishing Co.
Minter, D.W. ; Hernandez, M.R. and Portales, J.M. (2001): Fungi of the Caribbean an annotated checklist. PDMS puplising, 1 Ridgeway Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 5LB, UK.
Moubasher, A.H.; El-Hissy, F.T. and Abdel-Kader, M.I. (1975): Mucorales in Egyptian soils. Egypt. J. Bot., 18 (1-3): 115-124.
Moubasher, A.H.; Abdel-Hafez, S.I. ; Bagy, M.M. and Abdel-Sater, M.A. (1988): Halophilic and Halotolerant fungi in cultivatrd, desert and salt marsh soils from Egypy. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 17 (1-D): 225-244.
Nasser, L.A. (1996): Glucophilic and cellulose-decomposing soil fungi of Riyadh region, Saudia Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 25 (2-D): 1-9.
Piper, C.S. (1955): Soil and plant analysis. A laboratory manual of methods for the examination of soil and determination of the inorganic substituents of plants. Inter. Pub. Inc., New York.
Ramadani, A.S. and Aggab, A.M. (1993): Alkalophily among some filamentous fungi isolated from Saudi Arabian soils. Arab Gulf J. Sci. Res., 403-414.
Raper, K.B. and Fennell, D.I. (1965): The genus Aspergillus. Williams & Wolkins, Blatimore, U. S. A.
Raper, K.B. and Thom, C. (1949): A manual of the penicillium. Williams & Wolkins, Baltimore, U. S. A.
Simmons, E.G. (1967): Typification of Alternaria, Stymphylium and Ulocladium. Mycol., 59: 67-92.
Smith, N.R and Dawson,V.T. (1944):The bacteriostatic action of rose-bengal in media used for the plate count of soil fungi. Soil Sci.58:467-471.
Sutton, D. A.; Fothergill, A.W.; Rinaldi, M. G. (1998): Guide to clinically significants fungi. Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, Myryland.USA.
Waksman, S.A. (1952): Soil microbiology. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.
Walkley, A. and Black, T.A. (1934): An examination of the Degtareff method for determining soil organic matter, and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Sci., 37: 29–38.
Warcup, J.H. (1957): Studies on the occurrence and activity of fungi in wheat field soil. Trans. Br. Myc. Soc., 40: 237-262.
الخطيب، عبد الباسط (1980): سبع سنابل خضر (التنمية المائية والزراعية). وزارة الزراعة والمياه-المملکة العربية السعودية – الطبعة الثانية.
السراني، عبد العزيز والترک ، ادريس (1419): دراسات عن التلوث الميکروبي للهواء الجوي بالمدينة المنورة في أثناء موسم الحج – جامعة أم القرى – السنه الحادية عشره – العدد 17- ص 389.
شودري، شوکت علي والجويد، عبد العزيز عباس (1419): الغطاء النباتي للمملکة العربية السعودية. المرکز الوطني لأبحاث الزراعة والمياه، وزارة الزراعة والمياه، المملکة العربية السعودية.
علاوي، بدر جاسم وحمادي، خالد بدر (1980م): استصلاح الأراضي لطلبة صفوف کليات الزراعة قسم علوم التربية، الجمهورية العراقـية-جامعة الموصل، وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي.
محمود، سعد علي زکي وعبد الحافظ، عبد الوهاب محمد ومبارک، محمد الصاوي (1997م): ميکروبـيولوجيا الأراضي. الطبعة: الثانية- مکتبة الأنـجلو المصرية-القاهرة, جمهورية مصر العربية.
مولان، يونس يوسف (2001): حصر الفطريات المصاحبة لنباتات الزينة المصابة في منطقة الرياض. جامعة الملک سعود- المجلة السعودية لعلوم الحياة – المجلد: 8 ، العدد 2، ص5.
Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1981): Halophilic fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 75, 75.
Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982a): Survey of microflora of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 3-8.
Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982b): Osmophilic fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 9-14.
Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982c): Thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 15-20.
Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1984): Survey of airborne fungus spores at Taif, Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 88: 39-44.
Abdel-Sater, M.A. (1994): Cellulase activity and succession of fungi in soil amended with sodium chloride, organic matter and Ca-superphosphate. Bot. Dept. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ. Egypt, J. Basic Microbiol., 34(5): 283-302.
Abu-Heilah, A.N (1985): Soil mycoflora of Saudi Arabia. II-Isolation, some microfungi in the forest soils of Asir region. J. of Biol. Sci. Res., 16: 1-16.
Abu-Heilah, A.N. ; Kassim, M.Y. and Basahy, A.Y. (1982): Soil mycoflora of Saudi Arabia.1-Isolation, identification and distribution in Riyadh region. Iraqi. J. Sci., 23: 197-216.
Abu-Zinada, A.H. and Sabek, A.M. (1981): Studies on thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi in Saudia Arabia; I. Distribution in central province. Fifth Symposium on the Biol. Aspects of Saudi Arabia.
Al-Fassi, F.A.; Malibari, A.A. and Moustsfa, M.A. (1994): Physiological studies on ten thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi isolated from different locations in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf J. Sci. Res., 321-340.
Ali, M.I. (1977): Studies on the fungal flora of Saudi Arabia. 1-Wadi Hanif. Bull. Fac. Sci. Riyadh Univ., (8): 7-20.
Ali, M.I.; Abu-Zinada, A. H. and El-Mashharawi, Z. (1977a): Survey of air borne mould flora at Riyad, Saudi Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Univ., 203-214.
Ali, M.I.; Abu-Zinada, A.H. and El-Mashharawi, Z. (1977b): On the fungal flora of Saudi Arabia. 11-Seasonal fluctuations of fungi in the rhizosphere of some plants. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Univ., 215-228.
Al-Kashkari, R.M. (1987): Studies on mesophilic fungi in the soil of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. M. Sci. Thesis Girls collage of education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Al-Subai, A.A. (1983): Soil fungi in state in Qatat. M. Sci. thesis, Bot. Dept. Fac. of Sci., Qatar Univ, Qatar.
Al-Suwaine, A.S. ; Bahkali, A.H. and Hasnain, S.M. (1999): Seasonal incidence of airborne fungal allergens in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 145: 15-22.
Bahkali, A.H. and Parvez, S. (1999): Fungal flora in house dust in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Mycoses, 42 (4): 339-43.
Barakat, A. (1999): Incidence of halophilic and osmophilic soil fungl and glycerol biosynthesis by Eurotium amestelodam mangin from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ., 28(2-D): 377-390.
Bokhary, F.E. (1986): Studies on thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi in the soil of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. M. Sci. Thesis Girls Collage of Education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Bokhary, H.A. ; Sabek, A.M. ; Abu-Zinada, A.H. and Fallatah, O.J. (1984): Thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi of arid regions of Saudia Arabia : Occurrence, seasonal variation and temperature relationships. J. of Arid Environ., 7: 263-274.
Bokhary, H.A.; Parvez, S. and Abu-zinada, A.H. (1993): Lichen flora from high altitude areas of Saudi Arabia. Nova Hedwigia, 56 (3-4): 491-496.
Daubenmire, R.F. (1959): Plant and Enviro-nment. A text book of plant autecol., John Wiley & Sons. Inc. U.S.A.
Durrell, L.W. and Shields, L.M. (1960): Fungi isolated in culture from soil of the Nevada test site. Mycol., 5: 636-641.
Ellis, M.B. (1971): Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes. Common-Wealth Mycol. Institute, Kew, Surrey, England.
Ellis, M.B. (1976): More Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes. Common-Wealth Mycol. Institute, Kew, Surrey, England.
El-Sharkawi,H.M.; Malibari, A.; El- Shaieb, M.K. and Tawfik, K.(1981): Some edapho-ecological factors controlling the distribution of soil fungi in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Bull.Fac.Sci. KAU, Jeddah 5: 103-115.
Fathi, S.M. ; El-Husseini, T.M. and Abu-Zinada, A.H. (1975): Seasonal variations of soil microflora and their activities in Riyadh region, Saudia Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Uni., 7: 17-30.
Frank,R; Ishida,K.and Suda,P.(1976): Metals in agricultural soils of Ontario.Can.J.Soil Sci.56:181.
Gilman, J.C. (1957): A manual of soil fungi. Iowa, State Univ. Press. Ames. Iowa, U.S.A.
Hashem, A.R. (1991a): Three new records of mushrooms from Saudi Arabia. Indian Phytopath., 43 (3): 476-477.
Hashem, A.R. (1991b): Two new records of mushrooms from Saudi Arabia. Cryptogamic Botany, 2 (2-3): 161-162.
Hashem, A.R. (1993a):Fungal flora of soils from Ashafa, Toroba,Wahat and Wehait. J. king Saud univ.vol.5, (1):47-53.
Hashem, A.R. (1993b):Soil analysis and mycoflora of the industrial Yanbu city Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf J. Scient. Res.,(1) 91-104.
Hashem, A.R. and Parvez, S. (1994): Mycoflora of aluminium rich soil of Hail region, Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf J. Scient. Res., 321-340.
Hashem,A.R. (1997): Effect of heavy metal on the mycelial growth of some fungi isolated from the soil of Al-Jubail industrial city,Saudi Arabia. J. king Saud Univ.,9 (2): 119-124.
Hawksworth, D.L. (1991): The fungal dimension of biodiversity: magnitude, significance and conservation. Mycol. Res., 95: 641-655.
Hawksworth, D.L. ; Kirk, P.M. ; Sutton, B.C. and Pegler, D.N. (1995): Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi. CAB International, Wallingford, U.K.
Hudson, H.J. (1972): Fungal saprophytism. Edward Arnold Limited, London.
Jackson, M.L. (1958): Soil chemical analysis. Constable and Co., London, U.K.
Johnson, L.F.; Curl, E.A.; Bond, J.K. and Fribourg, H.A. (1959): Method for studying soil microflora plant disease relation-ships. Minneapolis. Burgess Publishing Co.
Minter, D.W. ; Hernandez, M.R. and Portales, J.M. (2001): Fungi of the Caribbean an annotated checklist. PDMS puplising, 1 Ridgeway Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 5LB, UK.
Moubasher, A.H.; El-Hissy, F.T. and Abdel-Kader, M.I. (1975): Mucorales in Egyptian soils. Egypt. J. Bot., 18 (1-3): 115-124.
Moubasher, A.H.; Abdel-Hafez, S.I. ; Bagy, M.M. and Abdel-Sater, M.A. (1988): Halophilic and Halotolerant fungi in cultivatrd, desert and salt marsh soils from Egypy. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 17 (1-D): 225-244.
Nasser, L.A. (1996): Glucophilic and cellulose-decomposing soil fungi of Riyadh region, Saudia Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 25 (2-D): 1-9.
Piper, C.S. (1955): Soil and plant analysis. A laboratory manual of methods for the examination of soil and determination of the inorganic substituents of plants. Inter. Pub. Inc., New York.
Ramadani, A.S. and Aggab, A.M. (1993): Alkalophily among some filamentous fungi isolated from Saudi Arabian soils. Arab Gulf J. Sci. Res., 403-414.
Raper, K.B. and Fennell, D.I. (1965): The genus Aspergillus. Williams & Wolkins, Blatimore, U. S. A.
Raper, K.B. and Thom, C. (1949): A manual of the penicillium. Williams & Wolkins, Baltimore, U. S. A.
Simmons, E.G. (1967): Typification of Alternaria, Stymphylium and Ulocladium. Mycol., 59: 67-92.
Smith, N.R and Dawson,V.T. (1944):The bacteriostatic action of rose-bengal in media used for the plate count of soil fungi. Soil Sci.58:467-471.
Sutton, D. A.; Fothergill, A.W.; Rinaldi, M. G. (1998): Guide to clinically significants fungi. Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, Myryland.USA.
Waksman, S.A. (1952): Soil microbiology. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.
Walkley, A. and Black, T.A. (1934): An examination of the Degtareff method for determining soil organic matter, and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Sci., 37: 29–38.
Warcup, J.H. (1957): Studies on the occurrence and activity of fungi in wheat field soil. Trans. Br. Myc. Soc., 40: 237-262.