دراسات على الفلورا الفطرية لساحل البحر الأحمر بمحافظة القنفذة المملکة العربية السعودية STUDIES ON THE MYCOFLORA OF THE RED SEA COAST AL QUNFIDAH REGION, SAUDI ARABIA

Document Type : Original Article


الملخص :

تم في هذه الدراسة الکشف عن الفطرياتفي 27 عينة تربة جمعت على امتداد ساحل البحر الأحمر لمحافظة القنفذة بالمملکة العربية السعودية، کما تم تحليل التربة کيمائيا وفيزيائيا وقد أثبتت النتائج أن عينات التربة المختبرة ذات محتوى فقير في المادة العضوية ونسب مختلفة ضئيلة من الرطوبة النسبية وتحتوي على نسب قليلة ومتفاوتة في الأملاح الکلية الذائبة وکان الرقم الهيدروجيني للأنواع المختلفة من التربة التي حللت يتراوح بين 7.1-7.4. أما العناصر السالبة والموجبة (الانيونات والکاتيونات) فقد کانت متفاوتة ووجد أن الکلوريدات والکبريتات والصوديوم والبوتاسيوم عالية في بعض العينات بالنسبة للعناصر الأخرى.
 عند درجة حرارة  28±2مْ تم عزل وتعريف 34 نوعا فطريا وصنفان من الاسبرجيللس Aspergillus تنتمي إلى 21 جنسا فطريا، وعزل جنسAspergillus  بکثافة بنسبة 51.01% تلاها جنسPenicillium وعزل بنسبة 50.08٪  ثمجنسي Botryotrichum و Chrysosporiumوعزلا بنسبة مئوية 32.61 و 31.38٪ على التوالي، أما Nectria فقد عزلت بنسبة 22.89%.  وعزلت باقي الأجناس بنسب مئوية منخفضة وهي:
 Fusarium,Alternaria, Chaetomium, Hormodendrum,Gilmaniella, VerticilliumFennellia, Mucor,Setosphaeria,Phoma,Cochliobolus,Syncephalastrum,  Rhizoctonia, Blastomyces,Humicola,   andCurvularia.
 عند درجة حرارة 45±2 م ْ تمعزل 5 أنواع فطرية تنتمي إلى 4 أجناس فطرية فقطحيث نمت الفطريات في 11 عينة فقط من ال 27 عينة عند هذه الدرجة ممثلة في أربعة أجناس فطرية فقط متحملة للحرارة وهي:  Blastomyces,Nectria,Aspergillus andFusarium.
Twenty seven samples were representing different localities along the red sea coast in Al-Qunfidah region, Soil fungi were isolated and identified. The soil samples were tested, generally, were poor in their organic matter content, different in the total soluble salts, moisture and total metal content, the pH value were generally neutral. At 28±2ْC (mesophilic fungi) 34 fungal species in addition to 2 varieties of Aspergillus which belong to 21 genera were isolated and identified. The most common fungal genera were  Aspergillus 51.01%,  Penicillium 50.82% , Botryotrichum followed by Chrysosporium, 32.61% and 31.38% respectively, Nectria 22.89% Whereas the following genera  Fusarium, Blastomyces, Humicola, Curvularia, Alternaria, Chaetomium, Hormodendrum, Gilmaniella, Verticillium, Fennellia, Mucor, Setosphaeria, Phoma, Syncephalastrum, Cochliobolus and Rhizoctonia recovered in 3.22 – 0.07%.
At 45±2ْC, 4 fungal genera of thermotolerant fungi were isolated from 11 soil samples out of 27 soil samples, the most common genus was Blastomyces which represented 22.2% of the total fungi, Nectria, Aspergillus and Fusarium represented by 18.5%, 11.1% and 3.7% of the tested soil samples, respectively.   



الخطيب، عبد الباسط (1980): سبع سنابل خضر (التنمية المائية والزراعية). وزارة الزراعة والمياه-المملکة العربية السعودية – الطبعة الثانية.

السراني، عبد العزيز والترک ، ادريس (1419): دراسات عن التلوث الميکروبي للهواء الجوي بالمدينة المنورة في أثناء موسم الحج – جامعة أم القرى – السنه الحادية عشره – العدد 17- ص 389.

شودري، شوکت علي والجويد، عبد العزيز عباس (1419): الغطاء النباتي للمملکة العربية السعودية. المرکز الوطني لأبحاث الزراعة والمياه، وزارة الزراعة والمياه، المملکة العربية السعودية.

علاوي، بدر جاسم وحمادي، خالد بدر (1980م): استصلاح الأراضي لطلبة صفوف کليات الزراعة قسم علوم التربية، الجمهورية العراقـية-جامعة الموصل، وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي.

محمود، سعد علي زکي وعبد الحافظ، عبد الوهاب محمد  ومبارک، محمد الصاوي (1997م): ميکروبـيولوجيا الأراضي. الطبعة: الثانية- مکتبة الأنـجلو المصرية-القاهرة, جمهورية مصر العربية. 

مولان، يونس يوسف (2001): حصر الفطريات المصاحبة لنباتات الزينة المصابة في منطقة الرياض. جامعة الملک سعود- المجلة السعودية لعلوم الحياة – المجلد: 8 ، العدد 2، ص5.

Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1981): Halophilic fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 75, 75.                   

Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982a): Survey of microflora of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 3-8.    

Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982b): Osmophilic fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 9-14.

Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982c): Thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 15-20.

Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1984): Survey of airborne fungus spores at Taif, Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 88: 39-44.



Abdel-Sater, M.A. (1994): Cellulase activity and succession of fungi in soil amended with sodium chloride, organic matter and                Ca-superphosphate. Bot. Dept. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ. Egypt,  J. Basic Microbiol., 34(5): 283-302.

Abu-Heilah, A.N (1985): Soil mycoflora of Saudi Arabia. II-Isolation, some microfungi in the forest soils of Asir region. J. of Biol. Sci. Res., 16: 1-16.

Abu-Heilah, A.N. ; Kassim, M.Y. and Basahy, A.Y. (1982): Soil mycoflora of Saudi Arabia.1-Isolation, identification and distribution in Riyadh region. Iraqi. J. Sci.,  23: 197-216.

Abu-Zinada, A.H. and Sabek, A.M. (1981): Studies on thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi in Saudia Arabia; I. Distribution in central province. Fifth Symposium on the Biol. Aspects of Saudi Arabia.

Al-Fassi, F.A.; Malibari, A.A. and Moustsfa, M.A. (1994): Physiological studies on ten thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi isolated from different locations in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf  J. Sci. Res., 321-340.  

Ali, M.I. (1977): Studies on the fungal flora of Saudi Arabia. 1-Wadi Hanif. Bull. Fac. Sci. Riyadh Univ., (8): 7-20.

Ali, M.I.; Abu-Zinada, A. H. and El-Mashharawi, Z. (1977a): Survey of air borne mould flora at Riyad, Saudi Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Univ., 203-214.

Ali, M.I.; Abu-Zinada, A.H. and El-Mashharawi, Z. (1977b): On the fungal flora of Saudi Arabia. 11-Seasonal fluctuations of fungi in the rhizosphere of some plants. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Univ., 215-228.

Al-Kashkari, R.M. (1987): Studies on mesophilic fungi in the soil of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. M. Sci. Thesis Girls collage of education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Al-Subai, A.A. (1983): Soil fungi in state in Qatat. M. Sci. thesis, Bot. Dept. Fac. of Sci., Qatar Univ, Qatar. 

Al-Suwaine, A.S. ; Bahkali, A.H. and Hasnain, S.M. (1999): Seasonal incidence of airborne fungal allergens in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 145: 15-22.

Bahkali, A.H. and Parvez, S. (1999): Fungal flora in house dust in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Mycoses, 42 (4): 339-43.

Barakat, A. (1999): Incidence of halophilic and osmophilic soil fungl and glycerol biosynthesis by Eurotium amestelodam mangin from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ., 28(2-D): 377-390.

Bokhary, F.E. (1986): Studies on thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi in the soil of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. M. Sci. Thesis Girls Collage of Education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Bokhary, H.A. ; Sabek, A.M. ; Abu-Zinada, A.H. and Fallatah, O.J. (1984): Thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi of arid regions of Saudia Arabia : Occurrence, seasonal variation and temperature relationships. J. of Arid Environ., 7: 263-274.

Bokhary, H.A.; Parvez, S. and Abu-zinada, A.H. (1993): Lichen flora from high altitude areas of Saudi Arabia. Nova Hedwigia, 56 (3-4): 491-496.

Daubenmire, R.F. (1959): Plant and Enviro-nment. A text book of plant autecol., John Wiley & Sons. Inc. U.S.A. 

Durrell, L.W. and Shields, L.M. (1960): Fungi isolated in culture from soil  of the Nevada test site. Mycol., 5: 636-641.

Ellis, M.B. (1971): Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes. Common-Wealth Mycol. Institute, Kew, Surrey, England.

Ellis, M.B. (1976): More Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes. Common-Wealth Mycol. Institute, Kew, Surrey, England.

El-Sharkawi,H.M.; Malibari, A.; El- Shaieb, M.K. and Tawfik, K.(1981): Some edapho-ecological factors controlling the distribution of soil fungi in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Bull.Fac.Sci. KAU, Jeddah 5: 103-115.

Fathi, S.M. ; El-Husseini, T.M. and Abu-Zinada, A.H. (1975): Seasonal variations of soil microflora and their activities in Riyadh region, Saudia Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Uni., 7: 17-30.

Frank,R; Ishida,K.and Suda,P.(1976): Metals in agricultural soils of Ontario.Can.J.Soil Sci.56:181.

Gilman, J.C. (1957): A manual of soil fungi. Iowa, State Univ. Press. Ames. Iowa, U.S.A.

Hashem, A.R. (1991a): Three new records of mushrooms from Saudi Arabia. Indian Phytopath.,  43 (3): 476-477.

Hashem, A.R. (1991b): Two new records of mushrooms from Saudi Arabia. Cryptogamic Botany,  2 (2-3): 161-162.

Hashem, A.R. (1993a):Fungal flora of soils from Ashafa, Toroba,Wahat and Wehait. J. king Saud univ.vol.5, (1):47-53.

Hashem, A.R. (1993b):Soil analysis and mycoflora of the industrial Yanbu city Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf  J. Scient. Res.,(1) 91-104.

Hashem, A.R. and Parvez, S. (1994): Mycoflora of aluminium rich soil of Hail region, Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf  J. Scient. Res., 321-340.

Hashem,A.R. (1997): Effect of heavy metal on the mycelial growth of some fungi isolated from the soil of Al-Jubail industrial city,Saudi Arabia. J. king Saud Univ.,9 (2): 119-124.

Hawksworth, D.L. (1991): The fungal dimension of biodiversity: magnitude, significance and conservation. Mycol. Res., 95: 641-655.

Hawksworth, D.L. ; Kirk, P.M. ; Sutton,  B.C. and  Pegler,  D.N. (1995): Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi. CAB International, Wallingford, U.K.

Hudson, H.J. (1972): Fungal saprophytism. Edward Arnold Limited, London.

Jackson, M.L. (1958): Soil chemical analysis. Constable and Co., London, U.K.

Johnson, L.F.; Curl, E.A.; Bond, J.K. and Fribourg, H.A. (1959): Method for studying soil microflora plant disease relation-ships. Minneapolis. Burgess Publishing Co.

 Minter, D.W. ; Hernandez, M.R. and Portales, J.M. (2001): Fungi of the Caribbean an annotated checklist. PDMS puplising, 1 Ridgeway Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 5LB, UK.

 Moubasher, A.H.; El-Hissy, F.T. and Abdel-Kader, M.I. (1975): Mucorales in Egyptian soils. Egypt. J. Bot., 18 (1-3): 115-124.

Moubasher, A.H.; Abdel-Hafez, S.I. ; Bagy, M.M. and  Abdel-Sater, M.A. (1988): Halophilic and Halotolerant  fungi in cultivatrd, desert and salt marsh soils from Egypy. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 17 (1-D): 225-244.

Nasser, L.A. (1996): Glucophilic and cellulose-decomposing soil fungi of Riyadh region, Saudia Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ.,  25 (2-D): 1-9.

Piper, C.S. (1955): Soil and plant analysis. A laboratory manual of methods for the examination of soil and determination of the inorganic substituents of plants. Inter. Pub. Inc., New York.

Ramadani, A.S. and Aggab, A.M. (1993): Alkalophily among some filamentous fungi isolated from Saudi Arabian soils. Arab Gulf J. Sci. Res., 403-414. 

Raper, K.B. and Fennell, D.I. (1965): The genus Aspergillus. Williams & Wolkins, Blatimore, U. S. A.

Raper, K.B. and Thom, C. (1949): A manual of the penicillium. Williams & Wolkins, Baltimore, U. S. A.

Simmons, E.G. (1967): Typification of Alternaria, Stymphylium and Ulocladium. Mycol., 59: 67-92.

Smith, N.R and Dawson,V.T. (1944):The bacteriostatic action of rose-bengal in media used for the plate count of soil fungi. Soil Sci.58:467-471.

Sutton, D. A.; Fothergill, A.W.; Rinaldi, M. G. (1998): Guide to clinically significants fungi. Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, Myryland.USA.

Waksman, S.A. (1952): Soil microbiology. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.

Walkley, A. and Black, T.A. (1934): An examination of the Degtareff method for determining soil organic matter, and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Sci., 37: 29–38.

Warcup, J.H. (1957): Studies on the occurrence and activity of fungi in wheat field soil. Trans. Br. Myc. Soc., 40: 237-262.


الخطيب، عبد الباسط (1980): سبع سنابل خضر (التنمية المائية والزراعية). وزارة الزراعة والمياه-المملکة العربية السعودية – الطبعة الثانية.

السراني، عبد العزيز والترک ، ادريس (1419): دراسات عن التلوث الميکروبي للهواء الجوي بالمدينة المنورة في أثناء موسم الحج – جامعة أم القرى – السنه الحادية عشره – العدد 17- ص 389.

شودري، شوکت علي والجويد، عبد العزيز عباس (1419): الغطاء النباتي للمملکة العربية السعودية. المرکز الوطني لأبحاث الزراعة والمياه، وزارة الزراعة والمياه، المملکة العربية السعودية.

علاوي، بدر جاسم وحمادي، خالد بدر (1980م): استصلاح الأراضي لطلبة صفوف کليات الزراعة قسم علوم التربية، الجمهورية العراقـية-جامعة الموصل، وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي.

محمود، سعد علي زکي وعبد الحافظ، عبد الوهاب محمد  ومبارک، محمد الصاوي (1997م): ميکروبـيولوجيا الأراضي. الطبعة: الثانية- مکتبة الأنـجلو المصرية-القاهرة, جمهورية مصر العربية. 

مولان، يونس يوسف (2001): حصر الفطريات المصاحبة لنباتات الزينة المصابة في منطقة الرياض. جامعة الملک سعود- المجلة السعودية لعلوم الحياة – المجلد: 8 ، العدد 2، ص5.

Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1981): Halophilic fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 75, 75.                   

Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982a): Survey of microflora of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 3-8.    

Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982b): Osmophilic fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 9-14.

Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1982c): Thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi of desert soils in Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 80: 15-20.

Abdel-Hafez, S.I. (1984): Survey of airborne fungus spores at Taif, Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 88: 39-44.



Abdel-Sater, M.A. (1994): Cellulase activity and succession of fungi in soil amended with sodium chloride, organic matter and                Ca-superphosphate. Bot. Dept. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ. Egypt,  J. Basic Microbiol., 34(5): 283-302.

Abu-Heilah, A.N (1985): Soil mycoflora of Saudi Arabia. II-Isolation, some microfungi in the forest soils of Asir region. J. of Biol. Sci. Res., 16: 1-16.

Abu-Heilah, A.N. ; Kassim, M.Y. and Basahy, A.Y. (1982): Soil mycoflora of Saudi Arabia.1-Isolation, identification and distribution in Riyadh region. Iraqi. J. Sci.,  23: 197-216.

Abu-Zinada, A.H. and Sabek, A.M. (1981): Studies on thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi in Saudia Arabia; I. Distribution in central province. Fifth Symposium on the Biol. Aspects of Saudi Arabia.

Al-Fassi, F.A.; Malibari, A.A. and Moustsfa, M.A. (1994): Physiological studies on ten thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi isolated from different locations in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf  J. Sci. Res., 321-340.  

Ali, M.I. (1977): Studies on the fungal flora of Saudi Arabia. 1-Wadi Hanif. Bull. Fac. Sci. Riyadh Univ., (8): 7-20.

Ali, M.I.; Abu-Zinada, A. H. and El-Mashharawi, Z. (1977a): Survey of air borne mould flora at Riyad, Saudi Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Univ., 203-214.

Ali, M.I.; Abu-Zinada, A.H. and El-Mashharawi, Z. (1977b): On the fungal flora of Saudi Arabia. 11-Seasonal fluctuations of fungi in the rhizosphere of some plants. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Univ., 215-228.

Al-Kashkari, R.M. (1987): Studies on mesophilic fungi in the soil of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. M. Sci. Thesis Girls collage of education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Al-Subai, A.A. (1983): Soil fungi in state in Qatat. M. Sci. thesis, Bot. Dept. Fac. of Sci., Qatar Univ, Qatar. 

Al-Suwaine, A.S. ; Bahkali, A.H. and Hasnain, S.M. (1999): Seasonal incidence of airborne fungal allergens in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Mycopath., 145: 15-22.

Bahkali, A.H. and Parvez, S. (1999): Fungal flora in house dust in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Mycoses, 42 (4): 339-43.

Barakat, A. (1999): Incidence of halophilic and osmophilic soil fungl and glycerol biosynthesis by Eurotium amestelodam mangin from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci. Assiut Univ., 28(2-D): 377-390.

Bokhary, F.E. (1986): Studies on thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi in the soil of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. M. Sci. Thesis Girls Collage of Education, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Bokhary, H.A. ; Sabek, A.M. ; Abu-Zinada, A.H. and Fallatah, O.J. (1984): Thermophilic and thermotolerant fungi of arid regions of Saudia Arabia : Occurrence, seasonal variation and temperature relationships. J. of Arid Environ., 7: 263-274.

Bokhary, H.A.; Parvez, S. and Abu-zinada, A.H. (1993): Lichen flora from high altitude areas of Saudi Arabia. Nova Hedwigia, 56 (3-4): 491-496.

Daubenmire, R.F. (1959): Plant and Enviro-nment. A text book of plant autecol., John Wiley & Sons. Inc. U.S.A. 

Durrell, L.W. and Shields, L.M. (1960): Fungi isolated in culture from soil  of the Nevada test site. Mycol., 5: 636-641.

Ellis, M.B. (1971): Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes. Common-Wealth Mycol. Institute, Kew, Surrey, England.

Ellis, M.B. (1976): More Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes. Common-Wealth Mycol. Institute, Kew, Surrey, England.

El-Sharkawi,H.M.; Malibari, A.; El- Shaieb, M.K. and Tawfik, K.(1981): Some edapho-ecological factors controlling the distribution of soil fungi in the western region of Saudi Arabia. Bull.Fac.Sci. KAU, Jeddah 5: 103-115.

Fathi, S.M. ; El-Husseini, T.M. and Abu-Zinada, A.H. (1975): Seasonal variations of soil microflora and their activities in Riyadh region, Saudia Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Riyadh Uni., 7: 17-30.

Frank,R; Ishida,K.and Suda,P.(1976): Metals in agricultural soils of Ontario.Can.J.Soil Sci.56:181.

Gilman, J.C. (1957): A manual of soil fungi. Iowa, State Univ. Press. Ames. Iowa, U.S.A.

Hashem, A.R. (1991a): Three new records of mushrooms from Saudi Arabia. Indian Phytopath.,  43 (3): 476-477.

Hashem, A.R. (1991b): Two new records of mushrooms from Saudi Arabia. Cryptogamic Botany,  2 (2-3): 161-162.

Hashem, A.R. (1993a):Fungal flora of soils from Ashafa, Toroba,Wahat and Wehait. J. king Saud univ.vol.5, (1):47-53.

Hashem, A.R. (1993b):Soil analysis and mycoflora of the industrial Yanbu city Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf  J. Scient. Res.,(1) 91-104.

Hashem, A.R. and Parvez, S. (1994): Mycoflora of aluminium rich soil of Hail region, Saudi Arabia. Arab Gulf  J. Scient. Res., 321-340.

Hashem,A.R. (1997): Effect of heavy metal on the mycelial growth of some fungi isolated from the soil of Al-Jubail industrial city,Saudi Arabia. J. king Saud Univ.,9 (2): 119-124.

Hawksworth, D.L. (1991): The fungal dimension of biodiversity: magnitude, significance and conservation. Mycol. Res., 95: 641-655.

Hawksworth, D.L. ; Kirk, P.M. ; Sutton,  B.C. and  Pegler,  D.N. (1995): Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi. CAB International, Wallingford, U.K.

Hudson, H.J. (1972): Fungal saprophytism. Edward Arnold Limited, London.

Jackson, M.L. (1958): Soil chemical analysis. Constable and Co., London, U.K.

Johnson, L.F.; Curl, E.A.; Bond, J.K. and Fribourg, H.A. (1959): Method for studying soil microflora plant disease relation-ships. Minneapolis. Burgess Publishing Co.

 Minter, D.W. ; Hernandez, M.R. and Portales, J.M. (2001): Fungi of the Caribbean an annotated checklist. PDMS puplising, 1 Ridgeway Road, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 5LB, UK.

 Moubasher, A.H.; El-Hissy, F.T. and Abdel-Kader, M.I. (1975): Mucorales in Egyptian soils. Egypt. J. Bot., 18 (1-3): 115-124.

Moubasher, A.H.; Abdel-Hafez, S.I. ; Bagy, M.M. and  Abdel-Sater, M.A. (1988): Halophilic and Halotolerant  fungi in cultivatrd, desert and salt marsh soils from Egypy. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ., 17 (1-D): 225-244.

Nasser, L.A. (1996): Glucophilic and cellulose-decomposing soil fungi of Riyadh region, Saudia Arabia. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ.,  25 (2-D): 1-9.

Piper, C.S. (1955): Soil and plant analysis. A laboratory manual of methods for the examination of soil and determination of the inorganic substituents of plants. Inter. Pub. Inc., New York.

Ramadani, A.S. and Aggab, A.M. (1993): Alkalophily among some filamentous fungi isolated from Saudi Arabian soils. Arab Gulf J. Sci. Res., 403-414. 

Raper, K.B. and Fennell, D.I. (1965): The genus Aspergillus. Williams & Wolkins, Blatimore, U. S. A.

Raper, K.B. and Thom, C. (1949): A manual of the penicillium. Williams & Wolkins, Baltimore, U. S. A.

Simmons, E.G. (1967): Typification of Alternaria, Stymphylium and Ulocladium. Mycol., 59: 67-92.

Smith, N.R and Dawson,V.T. (1944):The bacteriostatic action of rose-bengal in media used for the plate count of soil fungi. Soil Sci.58:467-471.

Sutton, D. A.; Fothergill, A.W.; Rinaldi, M. G. (1998): Guide to clinically significants fungi. Williams and Wilkins. Baltimore, Myryland.USA.

Waksman, S.A. (1952): Soil microbiology. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.

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