أستخدام شاشات الاکريليک عند تخطيط وتنمية المدن لمعالجة التلوث الضوضائي المنبعث من وسائل النقل والمواصلات Using acrylic screens in the planning and development of cities to deal with noise pollution emitted by transportation facilities

Document Type : Original Article


The problem of noise pollution emitted by various means of transportation within the main traffic
arteries of Egyptian cities is one of important and contemporary issues which must be handled with a
high degree of concern, and needs suitable natural or artificial treatment.
As concluded from scientific studies and research in the field of environmental protection,
especially noise pollution, it is clear that the main axes of movement, and their various means of
transportation caused about 80% of the noise emitted, and the average level is ranged between 85 to
100 dB in addition to the increase of 12-14 dB per year. So the issue of noise pollution must carefully
address in the planning stage and development of contemporary Egyptian cities.
The "acrylic screens" are considered as modern artificial treatments that can be used by the
planners and developers of Egyptian cities to reduce noise levels, it provides an effective treatment
for noise pollution, and does not require large areas for establishment, also its cost is considered
relatively low.
In this work, the importance of using "acrylic screens" is discussed to reduce sound when
planning the axes of movement and transport networks. As also, the research takes in to
consideration the most important considerations to create these screens, like heights and distances
from noise sources.
Finally, the paper emphasis the importance of using acrylic screens, and included it in urban
planning studies, to reduce noise pollution level, and consider it as of most important solutions to
noise problems resulting from different transportation means. Also, the paper identify some
planning considerations that should be taken to address the problems of noise pollution, especially in
transportation and traffic studies، as well as the study concluded identify some of the considerations
of planning that should be taken into account to address the problems of noise pollution, especially in
studies of transportation and traffic, in addition to the proposal for some of the recommendations,
and the application of the most important results that contribute to the improvement of the urban
environment surrounding, so as to ensure the achievement of sustainable and comprehensive
development in various development sectors in general, and studies of transportation and traffic,
especially contemporary Egyptian cities.
