A Self-Healing Based Smart Technique for Electric-supply Restoration Following a Permanent Fault in Smart Distribution Networks

Document Type : Conference Paper


1 Electrical Engineering Department, October 6 University, Giza, Egypt

2 Electrical Engineering Department, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt

3 Computer Science Department, Ahram Canadian University, Giza, Egyp


The distribution network is a part of the electric network that directly provides energy to different types of customers. In radial topology distribution network, there is only one path from a main substation to each load through overhead distribution feeders. This presents a number of advantages, among them is the restoration of the electric supply to all disconnected loads of the distribution network following a temporary fault by the use of reclosers. On occurrence of a permanent fault, the electric supply to all download feeder sections is interrupted with power outage of all loads until the maintenance crew move to fix the faulty section. This reflects itself on a negative impact on the network reliability indices including system average interruption duration index (SAIDI) and system average interruption frequency index (SAIFI) indices. In order to improve the reliability indices of the distribution network following a permanent fault, restoration of the electric supply to the disconnected loads is due, seeking a smart distribution network. Three keywords describe the smart distribution network; automated, secure and self-healing. This paper deals with achieving a self-healing distribution network to be a smart one. A self-healing is defined as recovering the all out-of-service loads in the shortest time possible without violating the network operating-constraints. This paper is aimed at proposing a smart technique to recover the out-of-service loads following a permanent fault in the power distribution network.


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