تحليل جغرافي للمياه الجوفية وسبل ادارتها في ناحية البغدادي - محافظة الانبار

Document Type : Conference Paper


Al-Anbar University Art College



This study examines the quantity and quality of groundwater in the Baghdadi area of the Hit District, located within the Anbar Governorate. The region encompasses an area of approximately 1590 square kilometers and is part of the Western Highlands and Jazeera Plateau. Due to the prevailing dry climate and a significant reduction in water flow from the Euphrates River caused by human activities and climate change-induced drought, groundwater serves as the main source for irrigation and agriculture in this area. The study includes an analysis of hydrological and chemical indicators of groundwater in wells in the region, revealing their spatial trends. The findings indicate that the groundwater in the area contains a significant water reservoir, with well productivity ranging from 1.5 to 25 liters per second. The values of salt concentrations vary between 1765 and 3450, resulting from the geological heterogeneity of the area and the characteristics of the groundwater reservoirs. After comparing these values with international standards, this water can be used for agricultural purposes with the application of simple usage restrictions. This encourages the cultivation of certain crops that can contribute to the development of the region. Additionally, it is found that the water is not suitable for human consumption due to exceeding the safe limit of 1500 milligrams per liter. However, the well water is suitable for animal use, which represents a positive aspect towards investing in livestock development and agricultural production in the area.


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